法国热力俱乐部”由Django Reinhardt创建于上个世纪三十年代,另类的组合,将摇摆乐进行了全新演绎,由于Django Reinhardt的吉普赛人的身份,故将此音乐命名为“吉普赛爵士”。吉普赛爵士从问世至今经久不衰,令世界各地的爵士乐手争相模仿。

在中国也有一支这样的乐队—HCOB,活跃于各爵士俱乐部、酒吧、星级酒店以及各种特殊的酒会等。乐队由四+一位职业乐手组成,两位来自中国,两位来自法国,还有足迹踏遍全球的美籍吉他大师Doug Martin的加入。所以:北京热力俱乐部,50%的中国人、50%的法国人、20%的美国人,带给你120%的摇摆!

– “Retro style meets gypsy jazz in Beijing”, China Daily 中国日报

– “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing”, STYLE 杂志

“Hot Club of Beijing, a five-piece ensemble specializing in wild Django Reinhardt-style gypsy jazz. Having now watched them play, I can safely say these guys happen to be the most talented group of expat musicians I’ve ever seen or heard, hands down! Seriously, all swing aficionados, take a knee.”

“Taking the stage, they let rip into a blend of chanson and swing. Tying complex melodies and frenetic rhythms in a miasma of finger-picked insanity, their jazzy style is unmistakably rooted in Paris rather than New Orleans, New York, or Chicago. Rhythm guitarist and vocalist Vince crooned in a lilting falsetto, while lead guitarist Doug traveled the fretboard of his guitar with a lightning fluidity; clarinet player Toni soloed complexly and effortlessly, all the while backed up by the never-faltering rhythm section of drummer Claudi and Pikar on upright bass. On and on they played, and I found myself picked up and thrown about by the excitable crowd. The scene was akin to a particularly rowdy Jewish wedding and there was nothing else left do but dance!”

主唱/节奏吉他: Vince

主音吉他: Martin

单簧管: Toni

低音提琴: Pikar

鼓: Claudi

* SELF悦己杂志微电影”午夜”

* Swing 39

* ft. Doug Martin


+86 10 65513936